Where Automotive Matters
Automotive OEMs and their suppliers expect their parts to withstand harsh environments and repetitive use. Our wide range of color offerings come in various finishes, including smooth, textured, and medium gloss, while defending against corrosive environments.
TCI’s powder coatings are trusted year after year by the world’s largest automotive OEMs and their suppliers to withstand the most difficult weather and road conditions.
Automotive Applications Calling for Quality Finishes
Engine & Valve Covers
Speaker Covers
Decorative Stripping
Roof Rails
Running Boards
Frame Componentry
Innovation for Your Application
TruBond Powder Coatings
TCI Illusion powder coatings with a highly reflective metallic look. TruIllusion reflective powder coatingsIllusion is the distortion of the senses, reveling how the brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation. This is the basis for TCI Powder Coatings' TruIllusion product line. These unique special effect products were developed to allow you to interpret or imagine almost anything. As the light reflects the different angles created in the coating, the reflection changes, and therefore the illusion is created offering a special effect appearance.
Powder Coating Primers
Primers to increase corrosion resistance. Powder coatings are extremely durable, exceptionally resistant to corrosion, and able to withstand exposure to harsh UV rays. Even so, in some circumstances a dual layer is required to achieve optimal corrosion resistance and meet specific appearance requirements. In these cases, use a primer base coat for corrosion resistance.
Automotive Market Approvals